..Disputed Polls and Political Furies: Handling Pakistan’s Deadlock...

تاريخ الإضافة الأربعاء 4 كانون الأول 2024 - 3:11 م    عدد الزيارات 252    التعليقات 0


..Disputed Polls and Political Furies: Handling Pakistan’s Deadlock...

Supporters of Imran Khan, Pakistan’s jailed ex-premier, took to the streets again in late November pressing the claim that February’s elections were stolen from his party. As the impasse goes on, the risk of violence is ever present. All sides should take a step back..



Key Decisions Loom as Syria Enters a New Era...

 الأربعاء 15 كانون الثاني 2025 - 2:26 م

...Key Decisions Loom as Syria Enters a New Era... The choices that the new Syrian authorities an… تتمة »

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